"ClientMenu" { // Menus have optional suffixes Zombie/Survivor/Spectator, followed by Alive/Dead // Menu,Survivor,Alive > Menu,Survivor > Menu,Alive > Menu "CallVote,Zombie,Alive" { "Title" "Zombie Chatter" "1" { "command" "vocalize PlayerZombieTaunt" "label" "Grrrr" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "CallVote,Survivor" { "Title" "Calling a Vote" "1" { "command" "show_menu Kick" "label" "Kick a Survivor..." } "2" { "command" "show_menu Difficulty" "label" "Change game difficulty from ..." "invalidLabel" "Cannot change difficulty after the mission starts" "MissionStartOnly" "1" } "3" { "command" "show_menu NextMission" "label" "Change Next Mission..." } "4" { "command" "callvote RestartGame" "label" "Restart the game" } "5" { "command" "callvote ScrambleTeams" "label" "Scramble teams next game" } "6" { "command" "show_menu GrenadeBan" "label" "Ban grenades from someone..." } "7" { "command" "show_menu LiftGrenadeBan" "label" "Un-ban grenades from someone..." } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "CallVote" { "Title" "Calling a Vote" "3" { "command" "show_menu NextMission" "label" "Change Next Mission..." } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "NextMissionNow" { "Title" "Vote to change mission now" "1" { "command" "callvote ChangeMission Airport" "label" "Airport" "ignoremission" "Airport" } "2" { "command" "callvote ChangeMission smalltown" "label" "Small Town" "ignoremission" "smalltown" } "3" { "command" "callvote ChangeMission Hospital" "label" "Hospital" "ignoremission" "Hospital" } "4" { "command" "callvote ChangeMission Farm" "label" "Farm" "ignoremission" "Farm" } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "NextMissionLater" { "Title" "Vote to set next mission for later" "1" { "command" "callvote NextMission Airport" "label" "Airport" "ignoreNextMission" "Airport" } "2" { "command" "callvote NextMission smalltown" "label" "Small Town" "ignoreNextMission" "Small Town" } "3" { "command" "callvote NextMission Hospital" "label" "Hospital" "ignoreNextMission" "Hospital" } "4" { "command" "callvote NextMission Farm" "label" "Farm" "ignoreNextMission" "Farm" } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "NextMission" { "Title" "Vote to change next mission" "1" { "command" "show_menu NextMissionNow" "label" "Change mission now..." } "2" { "command" "show_menu NextMissionLater" "label" "Set next mission for later..." } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "Difficulty,Survivor" { "Title" "Vote to change difficulty from " "1" { "command" "callvote ChangeDifficulty Impossible" "label" "Impossible" "ignorevar" { "cvar" "z_difficulty" "value" "Impossible" } } "2" { "command" "callvote ChangeDifficulty Expert" "label" "Expert" "ignorevar" { "cvar" "z_difficulty" "value" "Expert" } } "3" { "command" "callvote ChangeDifficulty Hard" "label" "Hard" "ignorevar" { "cvar" "z_difficulty" "value" "Hard" } } "4" { "command" "callvote ChangeDifficulty Normal" "label" "Normal" "ignorevar" { "cvar" "z_difficulty" "value" "Normal" } } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "Kick,Survivor" { "Title" "Vote to kick a survivor" "1" { "command" "voteproxy Kick *Survivor1" "label" "*Survivor1" } "2" { "command" "voteproxy Kick *Survivor2" "label" "*Survivor2" } "3" { "command" "voteproxy Kick *Survivor3" "label" "*Survivor3" } "4" { "command" "voteproxy Kick *Survivor4" "label" "*Survivor4" } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "GrenadeBan,Survivor" { "Title" "Vote on banning grenades" "1" { "command" "voteproxy GrenadeBan *ConnectedSurvivor1" "label" "*ConnectedSurvivor1" } "2" { "command" "voteproxy GrenadeBan *ConnectedSurvivor2" "label" "*ConnectedSurvivor2" } "3" { "command" "voteproxy GrenadeBan *ConnectedSurvivor3" "label" "*ConnectedSurvivor3" } "4" { "command" "voteproxy GrenadeBan *ConnectedSurvivor4" "label" "*ConnectedSurvivor4" } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "LiftGrenadeBan,Survivor" { "Title" "Vote on allowing grenades" "1" { "command" "voteproxy LiftGrenadeBan *ConnectedSurvivor1" "label" "*ConnectedSurvivor1" } "2" { "command" "voteproxy LiftGrenadeBan *ConnectedSurvivor2" "label" "*ConnectedSurvivor2" } "3" { "command" "voteproxy LiftGrenadeBan *ConnectedSurvivor3" "label" "*ConnectedSurvivor3" } "4" { "command" "voteproxy LiftGrenadeBan *ConnectedSurvivor4" "label" "*ConnectedSurvivor4" } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- "MVP,Survivor" { "Title" "Vote on the game's Most Valuable Player" "1" { "command" "voteMVP 1" "label" "*Survivor1" } "2" { "command" "voteMVP 2" "label" "*Survivor2" } "3" { "command" "voteMVP 3" "label" "*Survivor3" } "4" { "command" "voteMVP 4" "label" "*Survivor4" } "0" { "command" "" "label" "Exit" } } }