DamageCutoutData { "DamageCutout1" { "Model" "common_infected_w_spine" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "9" "Fatal" "1" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_head_jaw common_infected_w_back_upper" "ParticleAttach" "Head" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "0.1255 18.2265 -1.1972" "Scale" "7.5022 6.9972 18.2724" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } "DamageCutout2" { "Model" "common_infected_w_abdomen" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "8" "Fatal" "0" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_r_obliques common_infected_w_l_obliques" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_abdomen_through 85 gore_wound_abdomen_through_2 15" "Primary" { "Center" "-.25 6 5" "Scale" "6 6 9" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } "DamageCutout3" { "Model" "common_infected_w_r_obliques" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "0" "Fatal" "0" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_abdomen common_infected_w_back_lower" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_belly_right 100" "Primary" { "Center" "-5.42 4.5 5" "Scale" "5.5 6.5 12.25" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } "DamageCutout4" { "Model" "common_infected_w_l_obliques" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "2" "Fatal" "0" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_abdomen common_infected_w_back_lower" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_belly_left 100" "Primary" { "Center" "4 7.25 -0.8091" "Scale" "5 4.1782 13.1352" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } "DamageCutout5" { "Model" "common_infected_w_back_upper" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "10" "Fatal" "0" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_abdomen_thru common_infected_w_spine common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_back_lower" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_back 100" "Primary" { "Center" "-0.25 14.0033 -6.0894" "Scale" "6.5 8.5 7.5361" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } "DamageCutout6" { "Model" "common_infected_w_back_lower" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "7" "Fatal" "0" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_abdomen_thru common_infected_w_back_upper common_infected_w_r_obliques common_infected_w_l_obliques" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_back_lower 100" "Primary" { "Center" "0 4 -5.8233" "Scale" "7 7.75 8" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } "DamageCutout7" { "Model" "common_infected_w_head_brain" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "15" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_head2_gib common_infected_w_head4_gib common_infected_w_head6_gib common_infected_w_head8_gib" "ParticleAttach" "severed_Head" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_brain 100" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_neck common_infected_w_head_jaw" "Primary" { "Center" "0.0887 33.5 3.7119" "Scale" "4 4 11" "LookAt" "0 -0.2983425985 0.9544588487" "Up" "0 0.9544548247 0.298355472" } } "DamageCutout8" { "Model" "common_infected_w_head_jaw" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "16" "Fatal" "0" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_head_brain common_infected_w_neck" "ParticleAttach" "Mouth" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_jaw 100 gore_wound_jaw2 100" "Primary" { "Center" "0.1255 24.5 4.461" "Scale" "2.5 3.5 4.7202" "LookAt" "0 -0.5025228753 0.8645639131" "Up" "0 0.8645594764 0.5025305082" } } "DamageCutout9" { "Model" "common_infected_w_neck" "Type" "gunshot dismember headshot" "HitBoxes" "13 14" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_head1_gib common_infected_w_head2_gib common_infected_w_head3_gib common_infected_w_head4_gib common_infected_w_head5_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_head_brain common_infected_w_head_jaw" "ParticleAttach" "severed_Head" "ParticleEffect" "blood_impact_headshot_01 100" "Primary" { "Center" "0 31 6.027" "Scale" "15.057 9.7074 15.2004" "LookAt" "0 -0.2983409561 0.9544593621" "Up" "0 0.9544555691 0.2983530904" } } "DamageCutout10" { "Model" "common_infected_w_groin" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "1" "Fatal" "0" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_leg_hip common_infected_w_r_leg_hip" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_groin 70 gore_wound_groin_2 30" "Primary" { "Center" "-0.1205 -4 4" "Scale" "4.5 5.5 12" "LookAt" "0 0.1757560278 0.9844337554" "Up" "0 0.9844363911 -0.1757412641" } } "DamageCutout11" { "Model" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "12" "Fatal" "0" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_l_arm_upper_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_spine common_infected_w_l_arm_upper common_infected_w_l_arm_lower" "ParticleAttach" "LArm" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 50 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 25 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 25" "Primary" { "Center" "9.5793 19 -1" "Scale" "4.5 8 8" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "-.25 1 0" } "Secondary" { "Center" "18.8387 5.6681 -0.1295" "Scale" "8.76 15.696 10.5144" "LookAt" "-0.04651728609 0.04222791868 0.9980245212" "Up" "-0.4946243523 0.8670515915 -0.0597351477" } } "DamageCutout12" { "Model" "common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "11" "Fatal" "0" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_r_arm_upper_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_spine common_infected_w_r_arm_upper common_infected_w_r_arm_lower" "ParticleAttach" "RArm" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 50 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 25 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 25" "Primary" { "Center" "-8.5 19 -3" "Scale" "5 7 12" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0.15 1 0" } "Secondary" { "Center" "-23 15 0" "Scale" "14.5 28 14.5" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } "DamageCutout13" { "Model" "common_infected_w_r_arm_upper" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "19" "Fatal" "0" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_r_arm_lower_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_r_arm_lower common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder" "ParticleAttach" "RArm" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 75 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 25" "Primary" { "Center" "-21 7 -1.5" "Scale" "17 8 8" "LookAt" "-0.01716247035 -0.03439994057 0.9992607736" "Up" "-0.7311521226 0.6821269803 0.01092503172" } } "DamageCutout14" { "Model" "common_infected_w_r_arm_lower" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "20 " "Fatal" "0" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_r_arm_lower_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_upper" "ParticleAttach" "severed_RArm" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 100" "Primary" { "Center" "-26 5.5 -2.5601" "Scale" "11 13 13" "LookAt" "0.02552773311 -0.01621686219 0.9995425695" "Up" "-0.6919841856 0.7213144928 0.02938178648" } } "DamageCutout15" { "Model" "common_infected_w_l_leg_hip" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "21" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_l_leg_upper_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_groin common_infected_w_l_leg_upper common_infected_w_l_leg_lower" "DeathThroes" "none" "ParticleAttach" "LLeg" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 50 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 25 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 25" "Primary" { "Center" "5 -8.9 7" "Scale" "6 8 13" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } "Secondary" { "Center" "5.8979 -23.764 -0.0274" "Scale" "21.7855 6.231 11.1996" "LookAt" "-0.176461532 -0.05210896629 0.9829272523" "Up" "-0.9804599956 -0.07891248933 -0.1801971589" } } "DamageCutout16" { "Model" "common_infected_w_r_leg_hip" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "22" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_r_leg_upper_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_groin common_infected_w_r_leg_upper common_infected_w_r_leg_lower" "DeathThroes" "none" "ParticleAttach" "RLeg" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 50 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 25 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 25" "Primary" { "Center" "-7.7511 -6.0358 2.1222" "Scale" "9 6.5 15" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } "Secondary" { "Center" "-5.486 -25.5959 0.6694" "Scale" "5.5949 26.351 8.661" "LookAt" "0.1709023789 0.003775508573 0.9852807328" "Up" "0.07916595429 0.9967069923 -0.01754773849" } } "DamageCutout17" { "Model" "common_infected_w_r_leg_upper" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "5" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_r_leg_lower_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_r_leg_lower common_infected_w_r_leg_hip" "DeathThroes" "none" "ParticleAttach" "severed_RLeg" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 50 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 25 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 25" "Primary" { "Center" "-7 -25.5 0.1434" "Scale" "19.5 9 12" "LookAt" "0 0 -1" "Up" "-0.9 0.1 0" } } "DamageCutout18" { "Model" "common_infected_w_r_leg_lower" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "6 " "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_r_leg_lower_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_r_leg_upper common_infected_w_r_leg_hip" "DeathThroes" "none" "ParticleAttach" "severed_RLeg" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 100" "Primary" { "Center" "-6.3589 -29.5 -0.7371" "Scale" "8.5 14 14" "LookAt" "-0.01826365875 -0.166763311 0.9858277927" "Up" "0.07240466134 0.983183692 0.1676525955" } } "DamageCutout19" { "Model" "common_infected_w_l_arm_upper" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "17" "Fatal" "0" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_l_arm_lower_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_lower common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder" "DeathThroes" "none" "ParticleAttach" "LArm" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 50 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 25 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 25" "Primary" { "Center" "21 7 -1.5" "Scale" "17 8 8" "LookAt" "-0.01715387213 0.03440325579 -0.9992608071" "Up" "-0.7311547516 -0.6821242465 -0.01091977326" } } "DamageCutout20" { "Model" "common_infected_w_l_arm_lower" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "18 " "Fatal" "0" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_l_arm_lower_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_l_arm_upper" "DeathThroes" "none" "ParticleAttach" "severed_LArm" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 100" "Primary" { "Center" "26 5.5 -2.5601" "Scale" "11 13 13" "LookAt" "0.02552806126 0.01621707065 -0.9995425577" "Up" "-0.6919844472 -0.7213147655 -0.02936892777" } } "DamageCutout21" { "Model" "common_infected_w_l_leg_upper" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "3" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_l_leg_lower_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_leg_hip common_infected_w_l_leg_lower" "DeathThroes" "none" "ParticleAttach" "severed_LLeg" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 50 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 25 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 25" "Primary" { "Center" "7.25 -25.5 0.1434" "Scale" "19.5 9 12" "LookAt" "0 0 -1" "Up" "-0.9 -0.1 0" } } "DamageCutout22" { "Model" "common_infected_w_l_leg_lower" "Type" "gunshot dismember" "HitBoxes" "4 " "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_l_leg_lower_gib" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_leg_hip common_infected_w_l_leg_upper" "DeathThroes" "none" "ParticleAttach" "severed_LLeg" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 100" "Primary" { "Center" "6.3589 -29.5 -0.7371" "Scale" "8.5 14 14" "LookAt" "-0.01826365875 0.166763311 -0.9858277927" "Up" "0.07240466134 -0.983183692 -0.1676525955" } } "DamageCutout23" { "Model" "common_infected_w_l_half" "Type" "explosion" "HitBoxes" "-1" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_torso_gib1 common_infected_w_r_arm_upper_gib" [$WIN32] "Gibs" "common_infected_w_torso_gib1" [$X360] "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_fullbody_1 100" "Primary" { "Center" "-14.6507 13.7608 4.9012" "Scale" "17.621 36.7787 28.1562" "LookAt" "0.3492231191 -0.09887338717 0.9318085996" "Up" "0.2724209725 0.9621781611 0" } } "DamageCutout24" { "Model" "common_infected_w_r_half" "Type" "explosion" "HitBoxes" "-1" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_torso_gib2 common_infected_w_l_arm_lower_gib common_infected_w_l_leg_upper_gib" [$WIN32] "Gibs" "common_infected_w_torso_gib2" [$X360] "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_fullbody_2 100" "Primary" { "Center" "14.5 3.3834 0" "Scale" "27.0609 14.75 24.2547" "LookAt" "-0.3276762076 0.001788893638 0.9447883905" "Up" "-0.930024901 0.1754917396 -0.3228874926" } "Secondary" { "Center" "6.5584 -23.6491 0.0366" "Scale" "21.4158 7.5078 11.5716" "LookAt" "-0.0410142301 0.01790591757 0.9989981036" "Up" "-0.9977862679 -0.05311865596 -0.04001214707" } } "DamageCutout25" { "Model" "common_infected_w_t_half" "Type" "explosion chainsaw" "HitBoxes" "-1" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_r_leg_upper_gib common_infected_w_l_leg_lower_gib" [$WIN32] "Gibs" "common_infected_w_l_leg_lower_gib" [$X360] "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_fullbody_3 50 gore_wound_fullbody_3_entrails 50" "DeathThroes" "none" "Primary" { "Center" "-3 -17 5.8716" "Scale" "28 29 30.4473" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } "DamageCutout26" { "Model" "common_infected_w_b_half" "Type" "explosion chainsaw" "HitBoxes" "-1" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_torso_gib2 common_infected_w_l_arm_upper_gib common_infected_w_r_arm_upper_gib" [$WIN32] "Gibs" "common_infected_w_torso_gib2" [$X360] "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_fullbody_4 100" "Gibs" "common_infected_w_torso_gib1" "DeathThroes" "none" "Primary" { "Center" "1.9399 20 5.1214" "Scale" "44.4231 19.6484 33.1117" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "-0.440601382 0.8977028585 0" } "Secondary" { "Center" "22.0942 3.2109 -1.7527" "Scale" "12.6173 8.1869 9.1323" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0.7707184048 0.6371759102 0" } } "DamageCutout27" { "Model" "common_infected_w_abdomen_thru" "Type" "gunshot" "HitBoxes" "8" "Fatal" "0" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_back_lower common_infected_w_back_upper common_infected_w_r_obliques common_infected_w_l_obliques" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_abdomen_through 80 gore_wound_abdomen_through_2 20" "Primary" { "Center" "0 6 4" "Scale" "6 6.5 18" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "0 1 0" } } // ====================== MELEE WOUNDS ======================= "DamageCutout28" // Torso, TopRight => BottomLeft { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso1" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "9 12" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "NE" "SwingEnd" "SW" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "3 15 5" "Scale" "4 6 10" "LookAt" "0 0 -1" "Up" "-.75 1 0" } } "DamageCutout29" // Torso, TopLeft => BottomRight { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso2" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "9 11" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "NW" "SwingEnd" "SE" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "-4 18 5" "Scale" "4 6 10" "LookAt" "0 0 -1" "Up" "-.85 -1 0" } } "DamageCutout30" // Torso, Vertical Angled Right { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso3" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "8 9 11" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "N" "SwingEnd" "S" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "-1 15 5" "Scale" "6 8 10" "LookAt" "0 0 -1" "Up" "-1 -.15 0" } } "DamageCutout31" // Torso, Vertical Angled Left { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso4" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "8 9 12" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "N" "SwingEnd" "S" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "4 18 5" "Scale" "6 -8 10" "LookAt" "0 -.5 -1" "Up" "-1 .25 0" } } "DamageCutout32" // Torso, Chest, Horizontal, Right to Left { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso5" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "9 12" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "E" "SwingEnd" "W" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "3 16.5 5" "Scale" "4 7 10" "LookAt" "0 0 -1" "Up" "-.2 1 0" } } "DamageCutout33" // Torso, Chest, Horizontal, Left to Right { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso6" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "9 11" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "W" "SwingEnd" "E" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_l_arm_shoulder common_infected_w_r_arm_shoulder" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "-3 16.5 5" "Scale" "-4 -7 10" "LookAt" "0 0 -1" "Up" ".25 1 0" } } "DamageCutout34" // Gut, Horizontal, Left to Right { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso7" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "0 2 8" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "W" "SwingEnd" "E" "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "-6 2 8" "Scale" "-4 -9 16" "LookAt" ".4 0 -1" "Up" "-.25 1 0" } } "DamageCutout35" // Gut, Horizontal, Right to Left { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso8" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "0 2 8" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "E" "SwingEnd" "W" "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "5 2 8.5" "Scale" "4 -9 16" "LookAt" "-.3 0 -1" "Up" ".15 1 0" } } "DamageCutout36" // Back, Vertical, Left to Right { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso9" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "N" "SwingEnd" "S" "Back" "1" "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "-.5 15 -8.5" "Scale" "6 -12 10" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "1 .15 0" } } "DamageCutout37" // Back, Vertical, Right to Left { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso10" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "7 10 11 12 13 14 15" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "N" "SwingEnd" "S" "Back" "1" "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "1.5 16 -8.5" "Scale" "5.5 11 10" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "1 -.2 0" } } "DamageCutout38" // Back Upper, Horizontal, Right to Left { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso11" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "10 11 12" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "E" "SwingEnd" "W" "Back" "1" "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "-3.5 20 -8.5" "Scale" "4 -10 10" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" ".25 1 0" } } "DamageCutout39" // Back Upper, Horizontal, Left to Right { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso12" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "10 11 12" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "W" "SwingEnd" "E" "Back" "1" "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "3 21 -8.5" "Scale" "-4 -8 10" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "-.3 1 0" } } "DamageCutout40" // Back Lower, Horizontal, Right to Left { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso13" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "0 2 7" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "E" "SwingEnd" "W" "Back" "1" "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "-1.5 12 -8.5" "Scale" "3 -7 10" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" ".33 1 0" } } "DamageCutout41" // Back Lower, Horizontal, Left to Right { "Model" "common_infected_w_slash_torso14" "Type" "slash" "HitBoxes" "0 2 7" "Fatal" "1" "SwingStart" "W" "SwingEnd" "E" "Back" "1" "ExclusionList" "" "ParticleAttach" "" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_2 33 gore_wound_arterial_spray_3 33" "Primary" { "Center" "1.5 11 -8.5" "Scale" "-3 7 10" "LookAt" "0 0 1" "Up" "-.25 1 0" } } "DamageCutout42" { "Model" "common_infected_w_neck" "Type" "decapitate" "HitBoxes" "13 14 15 16" "Fatal" "1" "Gibs" "limb_male_head01" "ExclusionList" "common_infected_w_head_brain common_infected_w_head_jaw" "ParticleAttach" "severed_Head" "ParticleEffect" "gore_wound_arterial_spray_1 100" "Primary" { "Center" "0 31 6.027" "Scale" "15.057 9.7074 15.2004" "LookAt" "0 -0.2983409561 0.9544593621" "Up" "0 0.9544555691 0.2983530904" } } }