WeaponData { // particle muzzle flash effect to play when fired MuzzleFlashEffect_1stPerson weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol MuzzleFlashEffect_3rdPerson weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol HeatEffect weapon_muzzle_smoke HeatPerShot 0.3 // model for the shell casing to eject when we fire bullets EjectBrassEffect weapon_shell_casing_9mm // the tracer particle effect and frequency TracerEffect weapon_tracers_pistol // 0 = never, 1 = every shot, 2 = every other, etc TracerFrequency 1 MaxPlayerSpeed 240 WeaponType Pistol FullAuto 0 WeaponPrice 500 WeaponArmorRatio 1.823 CrosshairMinDistance 8 CrosshairDeltaDistance 3 Team CT BuiltRightHanded 1 PlayerAnimationExtension pistol CanEquipWithShield 1 // Weapon characteristics: Penetration 1 Damage 32 Range 4096 RangeModifier 0.81 Bullets 1 CycleTime 0.15 FlinchVelocityModifierLarge 0.50 FlinchVelocityModifierSmall 0.65 // accuracy model parameters Spread 2.00 InaccuracyCrouch 6.83 InaccuracyStand 9.10 InaccuracyJump 0.633 InaccuracyLand 0.190 InaccuracyLadder 138.00 InaccuracyFire 32.45 InaccuracyMove 26.82 // 13.41 RecoveryTimeCrouch 0.273844 RecoveryTimeStand 0.332613 RecoilAngle 0 RecoilAngleVariance 5 RecoilMagnitude 25 RecoilMagnitudeVariance 4 RecoilSeed 33244 // Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs. printname #SFUI_WPNHUD_FiveSeven viewmodel models/weapons/v_pist_fiveseven.mdl playermodel models/weapons/w_pist_fiveseven.mdl shieldviewmodel models/weapons/v_shield_fiveseven_r.mdl anim_prefix anim bucket 1 bucket_position 1 clip_size 20 default_clip -1 default_clip2 -1 primary_ammo BULLET_PLAYER_57MM secondary_ammo None weight 5 item_flags 0 rumble 1 // Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 single_shot sounds) SoundData { //reload Default.Reload //empty Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle single_shot Weapon_FiveSeven.Single } // Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL. TextureData { weapon { font CSweaponsSmall character U } weapon_s { font CSweapons character U } ammo { font CSTypeDeath character S } crosshair { file sprites/crosshairs x 0 y 48 width 24 height 24 } autoaim { file sprites/crosshairs x 0 y 48 width 24 height 24 } } ModelBounds { Viewmodel { Mins "-8 -4 -16" Maxs "18 9 -3" } World { Mins "-1 -3 -2" Maxs "11 4 5" } } }